About Spark and Scala Course :
RSTrainings is the best online training institute in Hyderabad to provide basic to advance course of Spark and Scala. We also provide classroom and corporate trainings. So, we would request you to attain free demo session on Spark and Scala. This will help you to get overview of the course and also you can interact with the trainer.
Machine learning task , processing of steaming data and large amount of data sets are processed using Spark Spark is manage and maintain by Apache Software Foundation. It is funded by Databricks,IBM and Huawei.

Advantage of Spark is that it can be optimized to run in memory. Data can be process more quickly as compared to Hadoop’s MapReduce. Which helps to write data to and from hard disk between each stage of processing. Sparks run in memory 100 times faster than MapReduce. Its 10 time faster while processing of disk based data.
Pre-requisites to learn Spark and Scala?
A basic knowledge of Java can help. However people from any background can take up this training.
Who should opt for Spark and Scala training ?
• ETL Developers
• Big Data professionals
• Freshers or professionals looking for a career in Big Data
• Software Engineers
• Data Scientists
• Data Analysts
• Project Managers

What all do we provide during entire tenure of training ?
1. Live Online demo sessions with an overview of the course.
2. Soft copies of the training materials .
3. Videos of all the sessions taken online .
4. Real time project scenarios.
5. To do list after every training session.
6. Repeat training sessions if any doubts are need to be clarified.